- Skin tumors of the members.
- Rheumatoid wrist and hand.
- Peripheral nerve pathology.
- Heat-related pathologies.
- Diseases related to the environment.
- Scorpion envenomation and snake bites.
- Certificate of Training in Leishmaniasis with L. Major.
- The role of the military health service in rural Sahara.
- Acute renal failure: the Crush syndrome.
- Glomerular nephropathies: lupus nephritis.
- The adequacy of haemodialysis.
- The adequacy of peritoneal dialysis
- The kidney transplant
- The new ventilation modes.
- Corticosteroids in the ICU.
- Stroke: New.
- Artificial feeding.
- Workshops: Ultrasound in intensive care, renal replacement therapy in ICU.
- Epidemiology.
- Pathophysiology.
- Macula: new vessels – macular hole.
- Retinal detachment in the myopic.
- Surgery reactive myopic.
- Glaucoma of myopic.
- The uncertainties of breast surgery.
- The contribution of medical informatics in plastic surgery
- Cancerdu Rein.
- Greffe Rénale.
- Andrologie avec la participation de la STRSI.
- Facial reconstructive surgery.
- Distraction osteogenesis.
- Craniofacial deformities.
- Orthognathic surgery.
- Vascular anomalies.
- Aesthetic surgery.
- Traumatology.
- Oral cancer